lunedì 20 ottobre 2008

A special thank to...

A special thank to my Swiss collegue exported to Mexico... He will click time by time on this blog and this will mean 2 very important things: first that he is still alive in spite of the Hurricanes, and second that he is still keeping an eye open to succeed in reading the screen even after thousands of Cuba Libre... Don't loose the way home, otherwise we have to try to come and pick you up somewhere with your car, and you know this would never work out! :-)

And a special thank to the darkness which came on this day: it's really nice when the weather is good, but if you have to stay in the office and the natural light is just a dream, the awareness that outside is such a nice day can make you crazy!

A special thank also to the Facebook. I could have forgotten a lot of people and the related generation if it had not come to remember me a lot of faces... Among them also someone I don't care at all, but life is done of small bricks which have to fit together to raise the walls of your own house!

And finally a thank to my feet. They keep on walking on a lot of bad ways and they are almost perfect in not stepping into shit...

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Questo blog attualmente non contiene pubblicità esplicita e se ce ne è di occulta non lo sappiamo neanche noi che siamo gli autori... Per il copyright, esso è di chiunque lo reclami e possa dimostrare che le sue pretese hanno un minimo fondo di verità. Se inavvertitamente qualcosa coperto da proprietà intellettuali varie è stato usato, vi preghiamo di segnalarcelo, perchè provvederemo a riparare alla disattenzione che nessun vantaggio economico e morale ci porterà...

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