martedì 20 gennaio 2009

Looking at the sun...

I write in English tonight... It will not be a long post, but I will dedicate it to a person I care, and needs to look at the sun, even when the sun is hidden behind the clouds...

Looking at the sun means not becoming blind, it means turn on the brain, rotate the neck, and raise the eyes to be dazzled... Then beat eyelids and see everything around with different colors... There's no guaranteed result from this, but what can happen is that life will appear, at least for some time, covered with a shining dust that will make it softer...

Here in Switzerland sun is very rare, and most likely it's necessary to look for it on the mountains, where the clouds will not make everything gray... Happiness is sometimes just get out for a short moment from reality to feel more and ignore sadness...

And while the night is walking fast towards the dawn I would like everybody to have another chance, another friendly and warm sun, maybe in the coming day...

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