mercoledì 17 dicembre 2008

Eating under the snow...

For some posts, I will write in English... It's an exercise since I would like to make a person read something that I write... I don't want her to read somethine extremely stupid or boring, so I'm practicing till when a true inspiration will hit me like a snowball and I will write better than usual...

But in the meanwhile, here it is my story of today... It's snowing hard since last night. I went to bed yesterday after a good dinner and I didn't realize that the snow was starting to fall. The nice result was that today I woke up, I looked outside of the window and then I thought how good would it have been if I could have layed in my bed all the morning and go back there after lunch... Then I approached the bus stop with a quite positive mood, not ready to give up and walk... After ten minutes of a traffic jam, and when the bus didn't appear in the white horizon, I made my decision. I opened the umbrella and I started step by step my way in the direction of the Bahnhof... First thing I discovered is that walking on the snow is very tiring: there's few grip of the shoes and the risk of "bottom on the ice" is very high... Second point is that even if it is extremely cold, you sweat... And I have to say I sweated a lot... Lucky guys my collegues that today everybody had to work at his own PC!

Then the day passed by trying to recover from the first morning effort with the usual crazy time. But when I went out I thought that I really deserved a bit of relax, even in the hostile environment... And so, with my collegues, I had a sausage under the snow with Gluehwein (Vin Brulè...)... And another time I realized that Switzerland is a strange country, where it can be sometimes funny to have dinner in the worst meteo conditions!

My whistle is ready for Italy: there I will write just italian or German... I hope I will see some of the commuters of the train, but most of all, I hope I will not see sausages and snow: for the moment that's enough...

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